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Q1 Review

The first quarter is almost over, so it’s time to review the goals I set up at the beginning! I’ll also be telling you guys about my Q2 Goals next blog.

The Songbird’s Refrain

WIN. You guys, stuff is happening. I can’t talk too much about it right now but gosh, I’m just so excited about everything that’s happening here. I even got to reveal my release date to folks signed up for my newsletter :)

Draft Sisters of Hecate Book 1

WIN. This was really a draft 0 because I’ve realized that I have to majorly change the context of the setting to tell the story and most of the scenes are getting scrapped. But this draft was very useful in figuring out my characters and what makes them tic.

Create Timeline for Fairbrooke Bridge

SUPER MEGA WIN. Not only did I create the timeline . . . I drafted most of the book. Chances are good that I’m going to finish it before the month is up. It needs a lot of work and there are some plot elements that I’m considering letting go of, but I’m very excited to see it improve.

Post 6 Blogs

WIN. With this one being the sixth.

Take 5 Skillshare Classes

WIN. This is pretty self-explanatory. Most of my classes were business management, but there were a few sales ones in there.

Attend 3 Networking Events

WIN. I didn’t think I was going to make this one, but I cranked out two last week!

Clean 1k Files

SUPER MEGA WIN. I cleaned out well over this. I’m actually under 500 files now which is . . . Trust me, it’s better.

Organize New Files

FAIL. I, er, I haven’t been doing this. Whoops.

Wake Up at 7:30 a.m.

WIN . . . ISH? Some days I wake up at 7. Some days it’s closer to 8. So it averages out?

Make 1 Healthy Lunch Per Week

WIN. My body thanks me!


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