So, Q1 was very successful for me! But it also wasn’t my most ambitious, goal-wise. I had a lot of goals, true, but a lot of them were sort of things I was doing or almost doing anyway. We’re stepping things up a notch for Q2!
The Songbird’s Refrain
Big things happening in Songbird-land. Expect covers to be revealed, release dates to be announced. We’re really kicking things up a notch as we get ready for publication, and I could not be more excited… or more terrified. Let’s focus on the excitement, why don’t we?
Redraft Sisters of Hecate Book 1
I’m about 20k into this already, and things are going well! This draft definitely has a bit more of a narrative structure to it, and it feels like it’s actually going somewhere, whereas draft one felt a little ramble-y and mushy along this point. I think giving myself a definite timeline to stick to helped my case!
Plot out Fairbrooke Bridge - Draft 2
I somehow managed to draft Fairbrooke Bridge last quarter, and now comes the exciting part: figuring out what to do with it. Right now, I have two options—fix the major issues in the current version of the plot, or make very substantial changes to the basic structure and basically go from scratch with the concept and characters. I have to admit that currently I’m leaning toward the second option, because I think it will make for a more cohesive story. But we’ll see!
Post 6 Blogs
Self-explanatory. Same as last quarter.
Completely Organize Files
I made really good progress on this last quarter! It’s time to finish it up.
Formalize Onboarding Process
I need to get better about having a process to bring on new clients, instead of more or less flying by the seat of my pants. So, uh. This is me doing that.
Take 3 Classes
Learning! I took a really nice sales class this week, so that’s a good start.
Move Out
This is one of the more stressful AND exciting goals. It is time for me to get an apartment and start living like a Real Adult (TM). I have a few girls who I plan to move out with, we just have to find a place. We’re starting to look now, so send all of your good vibes!
Wake Up at 7 a.m.
I need to get better about this. Definitely fell into the habit of waking up at 8 a.m. again. I’m Very Tired.
Exercise 2x Per Week
I’ve… definitely been neglecting my exercise. It’s time to take care of my body!
Meditate 2x Per Week
Also gotta take care of my mind. Basically this quarter is about taking care of myself so I can reach my dreams of being a fully functional person while pursuing all the shit I’m pursuing. LET’S GOOOO!