Indie Author. Reader. Cat enthusiast.

Jillian Maria
“I don’t get the stereotype that all writers are misanthropic, bitter loners who disdain most of the human race. I love people! People are complex and beautiful and wonderful and heartbreaking and that’s why I love writing about them so much!”
Jillian Maria enjoys tea, pretty dresses, and ripping out pieces of herself to put in her novels. She writes the books she wants to read, prominently featuring women who are like her in some way or another. A great lover of horror, thriller and mystery novels, most of her stories have some of her own fears lurking in the margins. When she isn't willing imaginary people into existence, she's pursuing a career in public relations and content marketing. A Michigan native, Jillian spends what little free time she has hanging out singing along with musical numbers and crying over how cute her cat is (scroll for evidence).

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Every time someone draws a picture from one of my stories, ten years get added to my life. I want to show off all the super talented folks who have shared their work with me! If your art isn't on this page, shoot me a message. I want to see it!
Bonus Features
Writing books is hard and weird and a lot more complicated than just drafting and sending it out into the world. I love to share my process with people, so this is where I'll be doing that! If you're into that sort of thing.